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About Us

Ashdown Clinic in Potters Bar, is one of Hertfordshire’s leading multi-disciplinary, integrated health care centres
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Ashdown Clinic Ltd, 81 High St, Potters Bar EN6 5AS

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Ashdown Clinic in Potters Bar, is one of Hertfordshire’s leading multi-disciplinary, integrated health care centres.


Ashdown Clinic brings nearly 50 years of expertise, offering a range of services include podiatry, osteopathy, physiotherapy, MBST, reflexology, ayurvedic medicine, laser therapy, acupuncture, sports massage & myofascial release, hearing, counselling and nutrition. 


The clinic is dedicated to caring for every aspect of your physical and mental wellbeing, and to treating the underlying causes of your problems, not just the symptoms.



Our approach is friendly and informal, and our belief is that we can treat you more completely by working as a team. Rooted in sound medical practice gained from nearly 50 years of experience in our respective field. One methods form a genuine compliment to mainstream medicine. We work with GP’s and consultants, many of whom refer patients to us directly, although you are welcome to self-refer.


Ashdown clinic is a thriving, multi-skilled, interdisciplinary centre for health care. The clinic has a team of specialist practitioners who work together, sharing knowledge, information and combining skills

Osteopath paul
Bev the podiatrist



We work with GP’s & consultants, who refer patients to us directly, although you are welcome to self refer


All of the services we offer are competitively priced and the quality will not be sacrificed. We want healthcare to be accessible for all.

Expert Team

The clinic has a team of specialist practitioners who work together, sharing knowledge, information and combining skills.

Ashdown's values

The clinic is dedicated to caring for every aspect of your physical and mental well-being.


Established in 1976, Ashdown clinic has been helping patients for 48 years. So we have nearly half a century of experience under our belt.


Our approach is friendly, informal, and our belief is that we can treat you more completely by working as a team.

Bev Podiatrist


Podiatrists are healthcare professionals trained to diagnose and treat abnormalities of the feet and legs. Our Clinic has been awarded Clinical Accreditation by the College of Podiatry. This reflects our high standards of care to patients and staff members, the level of hygiene and sterilisation, of Professional standards and compliance and we have maintained this for the last 9 years.

Our team of 5, led by Beverley Ashdown, can advise you on how to manage your condition, discuss treatment options and prepare a plan for your future care however simple or complex your issue may be. You can book an appointment without a referral from a medical practitioner.

Please note the team cover Vitality and WPA Insurance. Please click on the relevant provider you are insured with on the dropdown list of treatments.

At your initial consultation, you will need to provide us with a list of your medications and past medical history, bringing with you any test results, scans, X-rays or previously made devices that have. Following the taking of a full history, and assessment, many day-to-day conditions can be treated painlessly during this visit, this would include corns, callouses, nail problems, chilblains etc.



Osteopathy is recommended for sciatica, disc injuries, migraines, stiffness, arthritis, sinusitis and whiplash injuries. Osteopathy combines a thorough scientific knowledge of anatomy and physiology with clinical methods of investigation. The osteopath assesses the patient's movements, joint mobility and muscle tensions and identifies any problem areas, while also taking into account lifestyle and work factors.

We offer both cranial and structural osteopathy. Cranial osteopathy corrects tissue mobility around the skull joints and through the body and is so gentle that the severest of conditions can be treated painlessly. Besides helping to treat the conditions listed above, this form of osteopathy can prove beneficial during the later stages of pregnancy and aid recovery after childbirth.

Structural osteopaths can diagnose accurately without the use of X-rays. By massaging and manipulating, the malfunctioning joint will be eased back into alignment and full working order. Many work-related conditions can be treated and remedial advice given and preventative exercise recommended. Please note the team cover Aviva, Cigna, Vitality and WPA Insurance.



Our team of Chartered Physiotherapists have had many years of experience working within the private sector, NHS and also with elite athletes and sports teams. They will take the time to discuss the patient's problem in depth as well as then performing a physical examination. This will help to achieve a clear diagnosis of what your problem is and how best it may be resolved.

Please note the team cover Cigna and WPA Insurance. Please click on the relevant provider you are insured with on the dropdown list of treatments.

The types of treatment that may then be used will vary according to each patient, their condition and their goals. The treatment techniques may include any of the following:


  • Joint mobilisations/manipulations

  • Soft tissue massage/myofascial release

  • Exercise programmes

  • Ergonomic/work station advice

  • Muscle Energy Techniques (METs)

  • Mobilisations with Movement (MWMs)

  • Ultrasound

  • Sports Taping

  • General Lifestyle and Exercise Advice

MBST therapy

MBST Therapy

​MBST therapy delivers electromagnetic energy directly into damaged cells within the affected area, using short pulses of magnetic resonance cell regeneration technology and stimulating the body's natural healing process so that the damaged cell can grow and develop faster and stronger.

The innovative MBST technology harnesses MRT (Magnetic Resonance Therapy) to deliver energy directly to damaged and degenerated cartilage, bone, ligament, tendon, and muscle cells.


The aim is to enhance metabolism and reignite the body’s innate repair mechanisms and regeneration processes. Once the cells in the affected area or injury receive ample stimulation, they continue to regenerate independently.

By tackling the root cause of a condition, MBST yields enduring outcomes rather than merely alleviating pain temporarily or postponing necessary surgery.

MBST® therapy focuses on addressing the root causes of degenerative diseases. Whether treating injuries or other conditions, MBST is utilised for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, actively speeding up the healing process. Additionally, it serves as an ideal complement to post-surgical, inpatient, and rehabilitation treatments for all facets of the musculoskeletal system.



Reflexology is an ancient, non-intrusive complementary therapy which is based on the theory that different points on the feet, lower legs or hands correspond with different areas of the body. Reflexologists believe that working these points or areas aids relaxation and improves wellbeing.

With ever increasing levels of stress in everyday life, it is important for people to recognise the detrimental effect that this can have and to take action to address their own healthcare needs: as such, Reflexology could be one of the ways you might employ to ease the stresses of modern life.


The Ashdown Clinic is an integrated healthcare provider with a unique team approach using different specialised practices and technologies to assist with a wide variety of physical symptoms that are causing pain and ill health to the sufferer. These conditions in themselves can also put the human body under considerable stress.

In these circumstances, the possible stress relieving qualities of Reflexology could aid an individual’s recovery and wellbeing during their treatment.​

As holistic practitioners, reflexologists are there to support you as a whole person and promote your wellbeing. 



The key to Naturopathic principles is prevention, however, the body has the innate power to heal itself and my role is to educate and empower each individual to take control, to promote good health and restore wellbeing through appropriate nourishment and lifestyle.

Now more than ever, we lead stressful busy lifestyles in polluted environment’s leading to poor sleep and dietary habits, these are all disruptive to our homeostasis and in turn set our bodies out of balance. Symptoms of pathologies are alarm bells; a Naturopathic approach uses science based medicine whereby the whole person is considered in order to uncover the underlying root cause.

Our special interest lies in the gut, research shows that many chronic metabolic diseases begin in the gut, we are not what we eat but what we absorb. The gut-brain axis is the communication system between your brain and gut, your brain affects your gut health and your gut affects your brain health. There are more neurons in the gut than there are in the brain, 70-80 percent of your immune system is in your gut and hormones in your gut help control your body clock. Billions of beneficial bacteria live in your gut, these are your ecosystem and play so many vital roles in promoting the smooth operations of your body’s network. A healthy gut will act as a barrier from external invaders such as toxins and other pathogens.

Omega laser therapy

Laser Therapy

This is a form of light therapy that utilises light sources including lasers and light emitting diodes (LEDs) irradiating wavelengths in the visible and near infrared spectrum. It involves the light source being applied to the skin.

We use a laser made my Omega, that have researched and developed this laser over 25 years. 

The physiological responses to Low Level Laser Therapy involve stimulation of the body's natural healing processes, optimising repair and helping to restore normal cellular function.

It's commonly used for wound healing and pain relief, being particularly valued in cases where healing processes are otherwise compromised such as with diabetic patients and where pain is persistent, as with arthritic patients.

Non-invasive and free from drugs and their side effects, low level laser therapy can be used on a wide group of patients.



Chinese medicine aims to treat the root causes of illness and not just its symptoms. Disorders arise not just as a result of illness, but also through an imbalance in lifestyle, whether it be related to diet, exercise, work or relationships. To achieve the best results from Chinese medicine, all three modalities are usually used in combination with one other. However, they can also be offered as stand-alone treatments.

Herbal medicine forms a crucial pillar of Chinese medicine and is particularly effective in the treatment of chronic and/or complex internal disorders and works on a more fundamental level of the body than acupuncture. It can also be used in the treatment of external disorders such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Herbal medicine prescriptions can be offered to patients as and when appropriate to each individual case.

It often includes the manipulation of pressure points commonly found in acupuncture. All Tui Na techniques are performed through clothing and range from very light and subtle to strong, physical manipulations. Tui Na has very diverse clinical applications, but is commonly used in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions such as joint injury, sprains, strains and trauma.

Sports massage

Sports Massages

​Remedial/Sports Massage is a service for everyone, deploying a variety of techniques for soft tissue rehab and maintenance. It is aimed at achieving a speedy and successful return to fitness after injury and can relieve a variety of conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis, Runners’ Knee (IT Band Syndrome), Tendonitis, Muscle Strains, Tennis/Golfers’ Elbow, Rotator Cuff injuries and post-surgery scar tissue as well as general muscle tension or pain such as lower back, neck or shoulder pain resulting from the inevitable stresses and strains of our lifestyles.


For athletes at all levels, it can help enhance all-round performance, pre-event preparation and post-event recovery and is a good way of helping the body back in shape for training!

Myofascial Release (MFR) works on the complex 3D network of connective tissue in the body to address chronic pain, stiffness and loss of function, and is particularly relevant for issues which have built up over months, years or even decades whilst also being applicable for acute soft tissue injury. MFR techniques are deep but gentle and whilst sometimes treatment results in the discomfort increasing in the short term, treatment is in the most part relaxing as the fascia releases and re-organises.

Chinese medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine is the ancient and time-tested Indian art of balancing the physical, mental and emotional elements of life. Literally translated as the Science of Life, it is a comprehensive system of healthcare with origins that go back about 3,500 – 4,000 years.


Since then it has been the most important medical system in India with clearly defined methods of effectively treating ailments affecting all organs and systems of the body. It is used for healing the sick, preventing illness occurring in the first place, and to help individuals lead a longer, healthier and more vibrant life. In our fast paced modern western world, those who turn to Ayurveda often find it brings immeasurable benefits to their life as a whole. One criticism of modern medicine can be that it often treats the symptoms rather than the cause of the illness. Ayurveda, however, treats the cause, thereby curing dis-ease where other approaches fail.

Ayurvedic treatments are tailored to the individual. Everyone is different, therefore every treatment is different. A consultation would normally consist of clinical examination, pulse reading and diagnosis of imbalances. 

Hidden hearing


Understanding the source of your hearing problems can give our professionals insight into your individual needs. This means we can advise you on best options for your specific treatment. That's why we encourage you to speak with our experts as soon as you notice any hearing difficulties.

Common causes of hearing loss include:

  • Ageing

  • Excessive noise exposure

  • Injury

  • Viral infections (such as measles or mumps)

  • Ear wax build-up

  • Ototoxic drugs (medications that can damage your hearing)

  • Genetics

If you’re looking for hearing loss treatment, the sooner you act the better.


This is key to improving your quality of life, so that you can enjoy your favourite activities again, whether you want to engage more in conversations with friends and family or simply watch your favourite TV show more easily.



Counselling centres on listening to the client, and assisting them to determine which matter concerning childhood and/or adult life they discuss.


The aim of counselling is to enable the individual to speak about a problem and find a solution that is appropriate for them.

Psychodynamic Therapy focuses on the unconscious causes of the issues the individual experiences. It facilitates them in being aware of aspects of their internal dynamics. Psychodynamic therapy enhances the client's self-comprehension to give them options.

Psychotherapy focuses on the client, and them gaining insight into the problems presented in the sessions. It considers their ideas, emotions and significant moments in the client's history. Psychotherapy strives for change or to find suitable methods of managing.

Counselling can help with a number of mental and emotional disorders, as well as trauma, grief, relationship breakdown and much more.


“Luke made me feel much more confident about rehabilitation of my back. He’s kind and seems to sincerely care about the outcomes of his clients. This is the first appointment I’ve had pertaining to my back where I feel listened to judgement free and I would highly recommend him for anyone looking to heal and recover.”

Rose Fowler

"I’m 72 years old and visiting all the people and places I’ve wanted to see for years. I’m really living my best life. My life has changed a lot since losing all the weight as the pressure is off my knee."

Gerry R

“I've been using the Ashdown Clinic on and off for a number of years now and have always found the staff to be excellent at what they do. They reception team are polite and efficient which makes the experience extra good.” 

Chris Oak



MBST therapy delivers electromagnetic energy directly into damaged cells within the affected area, using short pulses of magnetic resonance cell regeneration technology and stimulating the body's natural healing process so that the damaged cell can grow and develop faster and stronger.

The innovative MBST technology harnesses MRT (Magnetic Resonance Therapy) to deliver energy directly to damaged and degenerated cartilage, bone, ligament, tendon, and muscle cells.

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Useful Information

© 2024 Ashdown Clinic Ltd. Created by

Ashdown Clinic Ltd, 81 High St, Potters Bar EN6 5AS

1 pre-bookable blue badge parking space available

The Benefits Of MBST

Discover the amazing benefits of MBST therapy for your health. It helps to relieve pain, boosts your body's natural healing power, and doesn't require any surgery or medication. With MBST, you can move better, feel better, and enjoy a happier, healthier life without any invasive treatments. It's gentle, effective, and gives you long-lasting results, so you can get back to doing what you love with ease.

Healthy and happy elderly people

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© 2024 Ashdown Clinic Ltd. Created by

Ashdown Clinic Ltd, 81 High St, Potters Bar EN6 5AS

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